
To purchase a membership for a new member please complete the form below.

A note on membership prices

The current membership year is between {{startDate | date : "mediumDate"}} & {{endDate | date : "mediumDate"}}. Membership costs are calculated by age at the start of the membership year. If you join part way through a season the price is adjusted so you pay the proportion of the year.

  • Over 25 - £{{adultPrice}} (£{{adultTodayPrice}} if joining today)
  • Between 19 & 25 - £{{youngPrice}} (£{{youngTodayPrice}} if joining today)
  • Under 19 - £{{juniorPrice}} (£{{juniorTodayPrice}} if joining today)
Regular league players are also charged an additional league fee

Member's name

You must provide a first name
You must provide a last name

Member's postal address

You must provide at least the first line of the postal address

Member's contact info

Member's TTE Number

If this member is registered with Table Tennis England please enter their TTE license number here

* Note all Colebridge member's must have a TTE license (you can get one free from the , you can do this now or later.

Member's playing preferences

Would this member like to play league table tennis for a Colebridge team?

Member's personal info

You must select a gender
You must provide a valid date of birth

Primary emergency contact

Secondary emergency contact

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